A Coruña will become an international reference for the study of fashion

The first postgraduate degree in training dedicated to the study of fashion and led by architect Manuel Franco Taboada will take place in A Coruña next October.An opportunity, without a doubt, for new entrepreneurs.

The first postgraduate degree dedicated to the study and experimentation of the fashion world arrives, from a multidisciplinary perspective: design, architecture, media, art, market, theoretical studies, music, styling, cinema ... its director, the architect Manuel Franco Taboada, believesthat the relevance of fashion is decisive in contemporary society, both in creative and commercial terms.This postgraduate degree will be made in direct contact with prestigious professionals in the sector and will take place in A Coruña.

"Study, experience the fashion phenomenon in their relations with art, culture and society and develop a broad theoretical-practical body applicable to all traditional or recent professions, related to this phenomenon of growing influence in the worldCurrent is its main objective, ”explains Franco Taboada to MundaRIZA.

The new postgraduate degree intends to train a new generation of specialized professionals in the sector, offering them a totally novel and unknown knowledge and mode of study in Spain, although already common in other countries such as the United States or France.

A Coruña se convertirá en un referente internacional del estudio de la moda

"In the 21st century, fashion must be understood as a real social phenomenon, which is at the intersection between various disciplines and activities: sociology,Architecture, history, design, social networks, performing arts, visual and plastic, cooperation, economy, industry, communication, development, commerce, etc. ", says Franco Taboada.

Once the prejudices of the "high culture" have been overcome, which despised it for being something "frivolous" and a vacuum of content, fashion is observed from the novel and revolutionary form, in which Baudelaire perceived it: as modern 'attitude', as a way of thinking, acting and living modernity.That the human being has always been concerned about and the clothing, from the skins of the caverns to the sophisticated night dresses of Ricardo Tiscci for Givenchy, it is nothing new, but never before, the sector had had so much economic and social and social impact like now.

"Much more than clothes"

"Fashion is much more than clothes.For some nearby countries, which talent talent has known: the most scarce raw material in the universe, its creators, constitutes a very high percentage of GDP, "says the postgraduate director.

Spain, on the other hand, is the country and Galicia is the community, where the Low Cost concept originated and where design was linked in a revolutionary way.It was key in that sense Zara's model, today also extrapolated to other brands of the Inditex Group, which owns Amancio Ortega.

The democratization of high fashion is one of the most relevant phenomena of the late twentieth century in any market activity.And it is in Galicia where he made sense, although later the model has been imitated until satiety.

A Coruña, referente internacional de la moda
A Coruña lidera las exportaciones del sector textil español con un 40% de las ventas y con Barcelona, por poner solo un dato, acumulan en torno al 72%. Ourense y Pontevedra ocupan el octavo y decimoprimer lugar, en el ranking exportador español por provincias. "Por eso entendemos que es sin duda esta comunidad, y en concreto la Universidade da Coruña, el lugar más idóneo para realizar este tipo de estudios que pretenden caminar desde lo local a lo universal, desde lo artesanal hacia las nuevas tecnologías, desde la ecología al desarrollo", comenta Franco Taboada, cuya apuesta para por un centro de estudios culturales, sociales y empresariales sobre moda, que se convierta con el tiempo en un referente internacional.
