Consumers prefer compromised brands

Última actualización

Las preferencias en el consumidor han cambiado mucho en los últimos años. Seguimos fijándonos en el diseño, el precio, las modas... pero sin duda otro de los factores que más se tienen en cuenta en los últimos tiempos es que sea respetuoso con el medioambiente. Cada vez son más los consumidores que buscan marcas comprometidas con el planeta.Los consumidores prefieren marcas comprometidas Los consumidores prefieren marcas comprometidas

Have you heard of the Eco-Friendly?

The way of buying is changing as they do consumer preferences.What is looking for now?Sustainable products that avoid damaging our environment, either in cosmetics, clothing, containers...More and more are the sustainable options offered by the market, and that is now known as the name eco-friendly.

And what is?Very simple, they are products that, due to their composition, do not contaminate.This new term is associated with respect for the environment and a healthy life.It arises following climate change and the consequences that this is having in our environment, translated into natural disasters, loss of biodiversity, etc..These are issues that - you go unnoticed in our society - they have picked up deep.

Add the commitment

Los consumidores prefieren marcas comprometidas

Luckily for all of us it is a healthy fashion and that seems to be here, because it has also had a great reception among millennials, which has joined the current, betting on shops that meet these values.

As we have advanced before, needs and preferences are changing and companies have to adapt to new trends.Therefore, more and more clothing stores are betting on sustainable fabrics in making garments, such as organic cotton or 100% recycled thread.Another example of the good work are those brands that directly bet on the creation of products through recycled materials.There are also other businesses that bet on giving a second life to the used garments.

But not only do we find examples in clothes, but also in cosmetics.The elaboration of natural and environmentally respectful cosmetics has experienced a rebound in recent years.Increase the number of brands that use ecological raw materials in their elaboration and eliminate toxic pesticides and substances.

We have infinite examples, because this "fashion" is increasing.

Do you have any benefit to companies?

Of course.Already the fact of raising awareness of society on the impact of our actions on the environment, it is a benefit on its own.But there are many more.

A sustainable company generates reputation.It is a very positive factor that is well seen socially and generates closeness with the brand.But not only affects external level, since a company that has a sustainability policy, makes its employees feel more comfortable and identified.Another of the great advantages is the savings of costs produced by recycling, reduction of waste and the use of resources.Finally, it is important to note that companies that care about environmental care generate a positive impact on customers.

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Medio Ambiente

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