For plagiarism you can pay up to eight years in prison and fines of up to 1,000 minimum salary

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Friday, September 13, 2019

Por hacer plagio puede pagar hasta ocho años de prisión y multas de hasta 1.000 salario mínimos

Who plagiar is exposed to being condemned to the compensation of violated copyrights and the payment of high economic sanctions.

The ease of accessing the Internet and therefore various contents, has brought some inconveniences regarding the violation of copyright.

Precisely, in the face of this, cases of political figures that have committed plagiarism in their academic works or other publications have been known.This is the Vladimir Putin case, current president of Russia who was accused by the Brookings Institute of Plagiar more than 75% of his degree work in Economics in Economics.

Also, the first lady of the United States, Melania Trump, who in 2016 was accused of plagiarizing parts of a 2008 speech by Michelle Obama.


The demand against Marvel by plagiarism in Iron Man 3 ended in favor of the producer

¿Pero a qué se expone usted cuando hace plagio? De acuerdo con Luz Helena Adarve, socia del área de Propiedad Intelectual y Tecnología de Dentons Cardenas & Cardenas, en Colombia, las sanciones jurídicas al plagio pueden ser de tipo civiles o penales.“The civil sanctions are contemplated in Law 23 of 1982 and will be those deciding the competent civil judge or the National Directorate of Copyright for the compensation of the damage caused by the infraction such as the payment of fines, the suspension of themarketing of the supports of the offending work, among others.For their part, criminal sanctions can be prison of four to eight years and fines of 26.66 to 1.000 monthly minimum legal salaries ”, he said.

In that sense, Carlos Maya, partner Amaya intellectual property added, “the action of presenting as their own information, texts or scientific paragraphs of others, is regulated by the Criminal Code in article 270, which refers to the violation of theMoral rights of author, likewise, the public distribution of that academic work in the name of an author other than the Creator is sanctioned in article 271, which refers to the violation of author's heritage rights ”.

Thus, due to the violation of moral rights, it has prison sentences from 32 to 90 months and fines of 26.66 to 300 SMMLV, if the author's patrimonial rights are violated, the penalties are prison of four to eight years and fines of 26, 26,66 to 1.000 SMMLV.

“Who plagiarizes a work is exposed to a complaint and subsequent criminal conviction with the sanctions mentioned above as well as a claim of civil liability for violation of author's moral and patrimonial rights.The above can also lead to precautionary measures of kidnapping of the offending works and the devices or means used for the commission of the illicit, ”said Johanna Raffo Faccini, associated with the PPU Intellectual Property Area.

The contrasts

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