Roberto Palazuelos considers to be a candidate with MC


    Guadalajara, Jalisco.- Roberto Palazuelos is analyzing whether aspiring to a municipal presidency of Quintana Roo, and subsequently the governorship of that state, next to the Citizen Movement Party. In an interview, the "Black Diamond" explained that MC "flirts" and raises If you launch with that game, because it was attracted to the stories of Samuel García and Luis Donaldo Colosio Riojas. «That party (Mc) flirts a lot and I am analyzing it, because I do not know if I would go to the PRI-PAN-PRD alliance or I It would be better convergence (Citizen Movement) to be free of all corruption and all the things that the other parties have left us in the past, "he said." Citizen Movement is a very new party and that is taking its positions. I congratulate the elected governor (Samuel García) and the son of Colosio (Luis Donaldo Colosio Riojas) because I think they have a great commitment to do things well so that this party can continue taking control of political positions in the country and that Evolution more. ”Palazuelos indicated that if he became governor, he would seek Within his political career, while the famous recently presented in Intermoda Guadalajara his daddress Palazuelos clothing brand. The entrepreneur explained that the branding of his brand focuses on playing with the concept of "Mirrey", which is related to his image. (April Valadez/Reform Agency)

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    Considera Roberto Palazuelos ser candidato con MC
