Kirkland generic products (from Costco) that are better than other brands

The products of this brand can be a cheaper option without sacrificing quality.

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Aunque comúnmente se considera que las marcas genéricas son de menor calidad que las originales, la verdad es que esto no siempre es cierto. Sobre todo en lo que concierne a los productos de la marca Kirkland de Costco, ya que se ha demostrado que, además de ser muy buenos, también se suelen encontrar a un mejor precio.Productos genéricos Kirkland (de Costco) que son mejores que otras marcas Productos genéricos Kirkland (de Costco) que son mejores que otras marcas

Kirkland bacon

According to a Consumer Reports report, Costco bacon is better than that of other brands.In fact, they pointed out that it is crispy and has a good balance between fat and meat.

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In addition, it is cheaper, since you can find the pound $ 1.50 cheaper dollars compared to competitors.

Kirkland batteries

Productos genéricos Kirkland (de Costco) que son mejores que otras marcas

Kirkland batteries are much cheaper than those of other original brands.To give you an idea, a package of 72 Kirkland AA batteries would cost you $ 19.99.That is, about ¢ 28 cents for each battery.

On the other hand, a package with only 40 Duracell AA batteries would cost you $ 16.99 dollars.That is, about ¢ 42 cents per drums, according to the MSN portal.

Kirkland cheese wheel

A delicious and gigantic 72 -pound cheese wheel brand Kirkland Signature Parmigiano Reggiano would cost you about $ 12.50 dollars the pound.But if you buy it in another store, as in Wegmans, the same piece of pound could leave you at about $ 18.99.Much more expensive!

Maple Kirkland honey

This product is usually expensive, but that of the Kirkland brand is usually cheaper than its competition, in addition to the fact that it is of the best quality, according to Consumer Reports.

Kirkland eggs

A package of 24 organic brown eggs Kirkland costs $ 5.99 dollars por paquete.That is, ¢ 25 cents for each.On the other hand, only 12 Organic Eggs brand Nellie’s are sold at $ 4.99.That is, ¢ 42 cents for each.

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