Puromarketing 10 Strategies of the great ecommerce brands to bring to any online trade to success

Ecommerce has experienced an unprecedented impulse in Spain.Between the first and third quarter of 2020, following the distancing measures for the pandemic, almost 730 million online transactions were recorded, according to the latest data from the National Commission of Markets and Competition (CNMC) (CNMC).A figure that exceeds almost 17% to purchases recorded in that same period of 2019.

Much of this growth is due to the thrust of large ecommerce brands, such as Amazon, Alimarket or eBay, and the use of strategies to capture customer service in online stores of any size.

But what do these maneuvers have in common?Are they applicable to any typology of online store?Doofinder, has analyzed the strategies of the 10 largest brands of electronic commerce in the world that could be applied to any online business to boost its success.

Speed in shipments

Consumers have assumed the idea that online trade is synonymous with speed.So much so that 43% of users leave an online store if they consider that shipping deadlines are too long, according to a Sendcloud logistics platform.Therefore, it is preferable to offer that the shipment arrives at 24/48 hours paying an extra, to have only one shipping option and risk losing customers.

Alliances strategy

Internet is a market with a lot of competition in which it is difficult to differentiate.To achieve this, it is advisable.In fact, it is sometimes better to work with several operators to keep the deadlines in case one fails.And, if the objective is to expand the product outside our borders, you can opt for a strategy of corporate alliances with distributors specialized in the destination countries.This same idea can also be applied with campaigns with several influencers to give visibility especially to smaller online stores.

Attention to the calendar

The origin of single day as a commercial party was an idea of Jack Ma, founder of Aliexpress, to take advantage of this very popular day in China.This example is the proof that there are many moments in the year that can be important for a specific sector;Like Earth Day for an Ecommerce of Organic Products.A good strategy is to be attentive to the calendar to convert these days into unique commercial opportunities.

Provide differential value

PuroMarketing 10 estrategias de las grandes marcas de ecommerce para llevar al éxito a cualquier comercio online

Ecommerce can also offer free and complementary services to give a differential value with respect to competition.For example, an ecommerce of electronic and technological products can create a specialized blog with tutorials to handle the best selling products.Another idea of differentiation is to make the customer identify more with the company's values offering them to pay a donation for social and humanitarian purposes with each purchase.

The second hand can be a great opportunity

About 40% of online consumers of the Z generation bought clothes or second -hand accessories in 2019, according to a second -hand online store Thredup.The online purchase of this type of products is positioned a trend among young people and a good opportunity to explore in the ecommerce.The technology and fashion sectors are the most accessible to this market, but you can always look for formulas for other niches.

Loyalty in the online market

Loyalty to a client can be between 5 and 10 times cheaper than getting a new one.This rule is also applicable to ecommerce, especially for small businesses or sectors with a very segmented audience.However, it must be borne in mind that it is increasing.This forces to take several more steps and create a differentiated brand, with a positive purchase experience, and offer benefits such as points or reward programs.

Good customer service policy

According to the study 'Ecommerce 2020-2021' of Sendcloud, 65% of Spanish online consumers review the return policy before buying, while 8 out of 10 clients leave an ecommerce in a bad experience, according to the American software companyHubsport.These figures show the importance of having a good customer service to manage returns or other incidents.To facilitate this work, you have to explain the policy of returns and make them favorable (expanding the legal minimum of 14 days or take care of the shipping costs), as well as having tools such as chatbots, highly recommended for their speed and their24/7 service.But neither do you have to rule out the customer service phone, as many customers continue to use this route to obtain a more direct relationship with the company.

Ecommerce adapted to all devices

67% of online buyers make their purchases over the mobile, according to the platform for the creation of Ecommerce, Oberlo.The customer is increasing.

Good opinions tell

The opinions and reviews of the users affect many purchase decisions of other customers.Not only have to offer a good product, but you have to take advantage of the most positive valuations and make them visible to convince the customer.A good way is to encourage customers to leave a review or offer discounts if they bring a new one.

Discounts for limited times

Discounts are always a good way to increase sales, especially if a short time limit is added.Thus a feeling of hurry will be generated in the client to take advantage of it.A good measure to strengthen this feeling is to apply a regressive counter that shows how long it has left to offer.

Along these lines, Llorenç Palomas, CMO of Doofinder, points out that "the strategies that use great ecommerce actors such as Amazon, Zalando or Aliexpress are very different from each other, but they all share the same goal: to convert the shopping experience into a trip ofvery high quality to increase customer happiness ".

But this is not the only common factor that unites all large companies in electronic commerce, as Llorenç Palomas also values that "almost all use smart search engines that offer results instantly, interpret synonyms and errata, generate search filters andThey automatically show products with better valuations.
