Concern in business by mandate;They fear losing latest news customers

As of Monday, by mandate of Governor Hochul the use of masks for any person of two years or more within any business in the state who does not ask for vaccination test to enter to enter.

This applies to customers and employees.

The decision was based on three key indicators: the number of weekly cases of COVID-19 increasing 43%, the reduction of the capacity of health centers with 29% more hospitalizations and the insufficient vaccination rates in several areas of the state of the state.

"Good idea because thus protecting ourselves, we are going to protect others and end this epidemic we have to use the mask to protect ourselves and the people who enter stores," said a client in a pharmacy.

Wineries, supermarkets, laundries, beauty salons, pharmacies and other establishments that do not require vaccination at the entrance, face a maximum fine of $ 1,000 for each person without a mask they admit.

Preocupación en negocios por mandato de mascarilla; temen perder clientes  LATEST NEWS

In the five counties, the infractions will be imposed by the City Health Department.

"It is very good for all people to protect and empt, but on the part of the busines.

Many essential workers and small negotiating who have been asking for their clients to observe precautions insist that they cannot be responsible for customer behavior.

"There are people who are offended, they bother, they say they do not believe in the masks but sometimes one says: 'If they do not put it on, we can not deny them that they enter because based on their purchases we are subsisting,' there is not much business"said a pizzeria worker.

"They don't cooperate.People want to do what they want, "said the cashier of a store.

The measure will be in force until January 15, when the state municipal authorities are evaluating whether to extend or revoke it.

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