How to take care of water in times of drought?


Nearly half of the country is experiencing some level of drought in 2021. Taking care of water will be essential to weather it. NASA experts say dry conditions could put pressure on water supplies. In addition to having effects on the environment, such as greater susceptibility to fires this summer.

The most affected areas will be Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Colorado, California and New Mexico, where a severe to exceptional drought developed in 2020. That is why it will be essential to take care of the water during this year, as well as in future years. These are some of the recommendations of the government page

Recommendations to take care of water during a drought

care in the bathroom

In the kitchen

More tips:

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Pauline Martinez

Writer by profession and vocation. Specialist in lifestyle issues, blogger and travel lover.pmartinez@lanoticia.comMore from Paulina Martinez
