Does your dog eat with anxiety?This training carpet helps you release stress for less than 17 euros
Quien tiene mascota en casa seguro que se siente identificado con la siguiente situación: nada más ofrecerle la ración de pienso que le toca, el animal, sobre todo en el caso de los perros, se lanza desesperado a engullir cada uno de los granos. Ahí no solo está manifestando su gusto por la comida o la necesidad de comer, sino que puede estar evidenciando un claro nivel de estrés elevado. Y, si no queremos esta sensación para nosotros, mucho menos para nuestras mascotas, que son un miembro más de la familia y a las que les procuramos el máximo bienestar posible.
As this pathology is common in many dogs, proposals have been developed in the market to minimize the incidence of stress in pets.The enveloping beds, with a soft touch and a perfect padding, are one of these solutions.But, in the field of food we find others very varied from the toys dispensed toys to the training carpets that will become the best allies for eating time.The Youthink model, for sale on Amazon for less than 17 euros, has already been seen by social networks as the favorite of many users who have made it the best selling.Do you want to know how it works?
What you should know about this model
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