"In July there will be no excuses not to return to face -to -face classes": Minsalud

The Minister of Health, Fernando Ruiz, announced that the country's goal is that by July 15, all teachers in the country are vaccinated, so it was emphatic that from that moment there will be no excuses not toReturn to face -to -face classes.“On July 15 there is no excuse or apology so that safe entry is not made to classes.Likewise, once phase one is finished, this will allow us to return to work.We have to return to activities to the extent that the population is vaccinated, ”said the official.Also read: Private you can access vaccines against COVID-19 since June 15: MINSALUD

It should be remembered that the Ministry of Health delivered last week 358.125 vaccines for the immunization of teachers, teaching managers and administrative staff.With this number, 100 % of teachers will be fulfilled with vaccinating.For this return to classes, resolution 777 of 202 establishes measures and protocols so that teachers, children and other members of the education system can return to classes safely.According to this protocol, education institutions must use a bubble strategy, which means forming fixed groups of children and adolescents who remain together throughout the day.In addition, teachers and support personnel should be avoided.

This strategy facilitates the epidemiological surveillance processes, because when suspicious or confirmed cases of Coronavirus are presented, the closure of the entire school is not necessary, but the isolation of a certain group of students.In addition, the resolution raises the possibility that the distance between students is one meter in order to increase minors in institutions in institutions.“The range of distancing remains two meters away, but to facilitate the possibility of increasing afor, we propose the option of one meter.This is reasonable, since we are going to complete phase one of vaccination, ”said the minister.Le puede interesar: Colombia eliminó prueba PCR negativa en aeropuertos para ingresar al paísLa resolución 777 también menciona que los docentes, directores, administrativos y personal de apoyo deben evitar al máximo reuniones presenciales con familias y cuidadores.

In addition, agglomerations should be avoided at the entrance and exit of the institutions, and in the purchase or distribution of food.Another measure indicates that food and rest times must be staggered, privileging outdoor spaces or spaces with good ventilation.In school transport the permanent use of the tapping will be mandatory, preferably keep the windows open, activate air conditioning systems in non -recirculation of air and ensure that children remain silent.

Regarding the use of tapping, children under 2 years of age should not use tapping, nor minors with some physical or intellectual disability.In addition, the cappeals must have an adequate size and must be adjusted to the face of each boy, girl or adolescent.“Responsibility and self -care are a fundamental component of resolution 777.Therefore, it is the responsibility of parents and education sector to strengthen pedagogy and guidance to children to favor the safe use of tapping in initial education services and educational establishments, ”said the minister.
