That is why the tremendous difference between Venezuela and Canada - by: Oscar Heck

Preliminary notes1.Among many similar examples, such as the destruction of PDVSA under the command of Maduro and his people due to carelessness and the total lack of planning, which prompted me to write this article was the following news in Aporrea: Conferry suspended trips toMargarita and leaves more than 800 workers in Limbo ... where it is evidenceGovernment company of great importance and need for citizens, leaving it to drift and wear.two.I have delayed many hours to write this article, between on blackheads and continued internet failures, all day, so for that reason it is possible that this article contains many errors, I hope not, but my dyslexico hill can no longer beHours attached to this screen, you can no longer deal with more reviews and corrections (and I don't want to wait until tomorrow), so I apologize in an advanced way, anticipating this possibility.3. Al final de este artículo --- debido al contenido del artículo (verán más abajo) --- hago una nota sobre mi muy violento secuestro en Güiria, Venezuela, frente a Trinidad, en junio del two015, y proveo algunos nombres de los apellidos de algunas de las personas, o sea, animales, que estuvieron involucrados, y también comparto con ustedes mis sentimientos al respecto.I will eventually disseminate the surnames of all those who participated in my very violent kidnapping.They will pay.Thanks, and enjoy the article.Articulo -father, a French Canadian, was the son of a family of coal miners from northern Canada (examples here), near the Yukón, where you see those trucks that handle on the ice.They were very poor, yes, there are many poor in Canada too, and they were also exploited by the English, that's why they were so poor.But my father "escaped" from that condition of the French Canadian and went to work with the English, I think that was why my grandfather disinherited him, for being a traitor.Anyway ... in Canada the English mainly exploited the indigenous, the French, and the Irish, as well as the Spaniards exploited the indigenous people of Latin America, and the blacks of Africa.Well ... although I was born in Canada --- during the years of the French organization and subversion against the English, but before the armed revolution against the English of 1963-70 --- I grew up in several countries (from North and South America) andThat my father, having slept with the English, eventually began to travel a lot selling Canadian wheat flour and mills and packing equipment worn out to the "banana" countries of Centro and South America, since it was one of the few Canadians in those times in those timeswho had learned to write and speak Spanish, and wrote it and spoke perfectly.I tell you all this because having grown up in different cultures, there is a particular thing that since youngof the world (eventually I met 34 countries, north and south).This difference is particularly marked when one compares for example Venezuela with Canada.Here in Venezuela, maintenance culture does not exist for anything.Any.Zero.At all levels of society.Any.Here in Venezuela, basically, everything is done for today, nothing for tomorrow.Or as my wife (Venezuelan) says: bread for today, hunger for tomorrow.With few exceptions (such as Chávez, Rafael Ramírez, Jorge Giordani, etc..), The only people I have seen here in Venezuela who plan something for the future are foreigners, northern, such as Portuguese with their bakeries, supplies, and hardware stores, where they always make sure they transfer the business to their children and grandchildrenFor the continued support of their long -term families, generations.I mean, bread for today, and bread for tomorrow too.Pero …Con respecto al típico venezolano, criollo, de cualquier clase, excepto la elite, y en general …… si uno compra una caja de cerveza para una fiesta (36 cervezas), bueno, se la toman hasta acabarse, ¿verdad?, y eso es considerado normal aquí en Venezuela, pero si traigo 3 cajas de cerveza, igual se las tomarán, completitas, y eso también es considerado normal aquí en Venezuela, y si traigo 100 cajas, igual … y si traigo 1 pollo se comerán el pollo por completo, rapidito, pero si traigo two0 pollos, también se comerán los two0 pollos, sin dejar nada, o 100, o 1000.That is considered normal here in Venezuela.Isn't it like that? Of course.Bread for today, hunger for tomorrow.But, why this happens here in Venezuela and not necessarily for example in Canada? That is the question that [has always] hit me because in the northern countries, in general, at least in my generation, that behavior was not consideredNot normal, rather it was and is still (I think) considered irresponsible and tremendously wild.(An example upside down: in Venezuela it is considered tremendously wild speak against GodPoint of this article, it is not to insult anyone, it is to try to seek explanations to these differences, to these phenomena.) For example, in Canada, in general, after a party, always or almost always there is a lot of food, chicken, meat, cheese, potatoes, lettuce, sweets, whatever, and beer and whiskey, quite a lot, orBe it is for tomorrow, for the other day, and with those remains people prepare sandwiches for the next week, or rehearse the potatoes for 3 days, and the remains of the bones and the fat of the flesh and of the meat andChicken in the future prepare a good soup, one day that makes a lot of cold for example.Bread for today, and bread for tomorrow.But here, in Venezuela, no, in general, culturally, nothing is kept, or almost, rather, if everyone does not eat all the food at once, what remains, or are given to dogs,As if nothing, without thinking a single second in the future.Bread for today, hunger for tomorrow.Isn't it like that? Well, finally, after thinking about this matter hard more than 50 years (I am a bit slow), I think I discovered the main reason for this fundamental difference in the behavior between northern and southern culture, or, inThis case, Venezuela and Canada.That reason is ... the cold (he was going to say, the damn cold, since I hate the cold as they cannot imagine it, I still can't stand for anything the air conditioning, nowhere.Once we went to family, about 16 or 18 people, to a beach for 10 days, and during those ten days I slept outside with bats and snakes because I could not bear the air conditioning, no sir, I prefer to die warm bitten by vampires thatdie frozen ... see the tragedy below.) While growing in Canada, where the time of planting and harvesting (in general) lasts only 6 months, between May to October, all my relatives, my aunts, uncles, cousins, etc..They had orchards where they sowed at least Jojot., and they had apples trees, pears, peaches, plums, and cherries, in addition to having raspberries and blackberries.(Mi huerto era de unos two0 X 30 metros, y sembraba básicamente de todo excepto papas, lechuga, y maíz.Well, no tropical fruits such as milky (papaya) or bananas sowing since in those days in Canada nothing was known about it. También tenía, aunque no eran míos, árboles de manzanas, peras, cerezas, y ciruelas, y con eso también hacia vino, empecé a hacer vino a los eleven años de edad, hago un muy buen vino de fresas, de hecho, excelentísimo, pero no he podido hacerlo desde el two013 debido a que no se consigue fácilmente el azúcar en las cantidades que necesito, ni tampoco las fresas, ni la levadura.Because of the opposition and Maduro, I cannot share my very excellent came with anyone, then we will take that beer of very low quality of the polar instead, enriching Mendoza the billionaire instead of the small producer like me, yes sir, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yesMaduro, yes to the "prosperity" that mature so much promotes.) Anyway ... all that was very romantic, in Canada, as in the films of the first colonies, but that was in my time ... every year, among the first crops of August, until the end of October when the soils froze,My aunts and uncles and cousins and cousins spent every end preparing the canned winners, while there were other items that were only harvested, cleaned, and stored in the underground or semi -underground pantries that maintained a certain temperature (Low without freezing) during the next 6 winter months.See photos here: https: // C.1.64.IMG..eleven.1.613...0ii67k1.0.StwoYllBntwoE30

There were also the tubers for planting of the following year, which did not touch each other (they did not eat) because if they ate, then there was no one to sow the following year.That was very important.In that same space, the preserves were kept in glass rescuets, cucumbers, carrots, green peas, and raspberry sweets, plums and pears, rhubarb too, etc..During the first months of winter the men were going to hunt deer and hawthDuring a part of next spring and summer for progressive consumption (these pantries maintain a certain low temperature for almost the whole year).Fishing (from Rio and Lagos mainly) was done all year.It was very romantic ... but also required the effort of the whole family for at least 8 consecutive weekends (for preserves), where everyone participated --- as when the hallacas are prepared here in Venezuela --- All, the mothers, grandmothers, aunts, children, young people, men ... and required the continuous attention of the orchards for 6 months ... we all did it, it was a duty, because if we did not prepare the food --- canned vegetables and fruitsetc.--- In advance for winter (6 months), then we could only eat fish and meat, but only sometimes (see below), and as a result of just eating some meat (for example), we could get sick of scurvyand other very serious diseases due to the lack of certain vitamins, and we could also die.That was the norm, or the slogan, say, that is, that was instilled in our brains from the beginning of colonization, and as a family, from children.(Era común que la gente muriera de hambre y de enfermedades por falta de alimentos en invierno durante los primeros 100 a two00 años de la colonización inglesa.) Ah ... but ... the worst is …… that in winter, even if one would like to hunt or fish, the cold often does not allow it, they could spend weeks without being able to hunt or fish, it is so cold that one would dieFrom the cold trying, and it is for that reason that always, every year, we had to plan in detail (see below) everything one was going to do throughout the year to ensure the survival of his family in the long term, and also ofCommunities in general.People had to collaborate and between, if not, they could die.Based on this reality (mentality), for example, and that I remember perfectly, my mother and my auapples, we must prepare the preserves for winter, if not, we will die.But beyond all this, that is, beyond providing and preparing for the winter survival of 6 months in advance, and very well planned, there was the appearance of maintenance.That was the most important thing.Even if you have all the food preserved for 6 months of winter, for the whole family, if men were not able and responsible enough to maintain underground pantries (so that they do not between water or light), And if they did not maintain the tools and agricultural implements for the sowing and harvest of next year, well, the food would rot, killing the whole family of hunger, and the winter climate would end up ending with all the whole Machinery (the cold brings a lot the family.Basically, cold breaks and breaks everything that is made of rubber and rubber, also deforms everything that is made of cement, metal, and wood, and ends up decomposing almost any liquid matter such as paint, varnish, oils, etc..Then, during each time of the year, before planting, before the harvest, after the harvest, and during the winter, the men spent weekends doing maintenance to the tools, buildings (houses, farms,Workshops, pantries, exterior bathrooms, etc..), y a la maquinaria y vehículos, porque de no hacerlo --- y de no hacerlo BIEN y correctamente --- podrían muy sencillamente matar a toda su familia de hambre, debido al descuido:1- sin herramientas e implementos agrícolas en buenas condiciones no se puede sembrar ni cosechar lo suficiente para mantener a toda una familia bien nutrida durante 6 meses, es prácticamente imposible,two- sin tener las despensas en buena condición, se puede perder toda la comida de la familia durante 9 meses … 6 meses de invierno y 3 meses más hasta la próxima cosecha,3- sin tener la plomería en buena condición, las cañerías y las pocetas se pueden explotar (debido al hielo),4- sin hacerle manteniendo a la casa, y la granja, entraría el agua, y cuando se congela esa agua, se expande, y quiebra las paredes y el techo, y5- sin mantener el sistema de calefacción en condición perfecta, todos se morirían congelados del frio …… igualito a los pollos congelados que uno compra en un supermercado.I tell you one thing, just as the planting and harvesting era can be very romantic, there is absolutely nothing romantic with respect to cold, the cold kills, as well as unfortunately discovered it (but died) several Venezuelans when trying to cross the mountain range ofColombia not knowing the tremendous danger of cold.See: http: // www.Caraotadigital.Net/International/Migrants-Venezuelan-Mueren-de-Hipothermia-in-for-Colombian-Segun-Caracol-TV/

Por eso la tremenda diferencia entre Venezuela y Canadá - Por: Oscar Heck

Well, this is the thing ... now I understand why here in Venezuela, basically, nobody takes care of anything, they do not maintain anything, everything is mistreated, abandoned, ignored, nothing is planned, nothing is anticipated, even Maduro seem to do theThings arbitrarily, without ever thinking a reed in the future, or in repercussions, or in the consequences of their actions, without anticipating absolutely anything.Any.That is typically Venezuelan.Unfortunately.Here in Venezuela they never had to plan absolutely anything to survive the cold killer of the north for six months of each year, generation after generation, century after century.Never.That is why the tremendous difference between Venezuela and Canada, I think.(That is why northern countries are much more advanced, because they have the habit of planning and anticipating the future, because they must do it, if they want to survive.) N.B. Tenía bastante fotos originales (de familia) de la época de mis abuelos y de mi juventud en el norte de Canadá, fotos de los trenes en las minas de carbón, la choza de mi abuela (era muy pobre, no tenían luz ni agua), la caza de alces, y los tipis de los Indios en los bosques, las iba a escanear para compartirlas con ustedes, pero mis maldito --- sí manilitos --- secuestradores vagos y cobardes sin bolas en Guiria, Venezuela, en junio del two015, armados con machetes y cuchillos cayéndole a golpes a un viejo discapacitado (yo), me las robaron todas, no sé por qué, malditos, entre mis secuestradores había gente de las familias Caraballo, y Bernard, para que todos lo sepan, todos, cobardes, que se mueran todos en el infierno, o congelados en el frio infernal canadiense.They almost killed me, but I escaped, they will pay.(Maybe my attitude seems exaggerated, but I tell them one thing, after having been so violently kidnapped by a lot of damn cowardly psycho without balls that were ready to dismembered myself with my own fishing knife while I was tied to my bed,I am not willing to have a pisquita of compassion to those animals, because they are not humans, they are animals, they are worse than animals, I tell them, if you would happen to you, they would understand perfectly ... one of them masturbated to mine on mine, touching my arm and laughing while the other held a machete to my neck salivating my murder, and I hooded and tied to my bed without being able to do anything ... I hope that never happens to them, that is not human, that does not enter the head, and even less after 3 years, so that everyone knows.)
