The 75 best animal riddles for children (with their answers)

The riddles are one of the best riddles for the little ones in the house;They are fun, easy and affordable challenges that develop their imagination.In addition, the riddle of this list precisely help children better enter the world of animals and start stopping details about some of them.

Before playing with your children with these riddles, check out before to choose the most appropriate for their age and to review the answers at the end of everything.


one.I am not, so I went, so I will not be until the end.

2.My neck is long and I have skin spots.My legs are much longer than yours.

3.Night flight, sleep in the day and you'll never see feathers in mine wing.

4.I give wool and to speak "I say beee", if you don't guess my name, I will never tell you.

5.Of cell in cell I go, but I am not.

6.I am in black and white, but I am not an old TV, I am actually an animal, which I also serve to cross the sidewalk.

7.If I want to walk jump, and if I want.

8.There is no hose in the animal world longer than mine.

9.For a little walk, a bug is walking and the name of that bug, I have already told you.

one0.If you have it, you look for it;If you don't have it for you or want it.

oneone.I have huge eyes, I close them for the day and at night I open them to exercise my aim.

one2.I am chubby and pink, I'm fine pig and live on the farm.

one3.If what you want is to know how to weave, come with me and I will teach you to be a network.

one4.Who does its dark house in the trunks, and there hides, avara, how much does it need?

one5.He is the queen of the seas, his teeth is very good, and for never going empty, they always say it is full.

one6.On land and sea I love flying, schooner and also undine.I start traveling when the air lights up.

one7.Sing when it dawns and sing again when the day disappears.

one8.I am the only feline that has a court, and I am a king although you may not care.

one9.I immerse myself under water when there is a trajín, and whenever you have hiccups you will remember me.

twenty.A cow was going, then it turned out to be fish.

2one.2 tweezers I have, on the way, sea or river in living water.

22.Rumant mammal, elongated neck, by the desert, wandering, always hunchback.

23.I have ink, I have feathers and arm I have, also, but I can't write, because I never learned.

Las 75 mejores adivinanzas de animales para niños (con sus respuestas)

24.I am a fruit, I am a bird, and in my name there are "íes".

25.I have black circles surrounding my eyes, but I am not tired, if you give me some bamboo, I will be more than delighted.

26.I don't have eyes, ears or feet, and you will never know if I go out of the right or upside.

27.In tow I carry my house, I walk without having legs, where my body passes, there is a silver spinner.

28.Guess my name, I am the one who watches the house and the best friend of man.

29.It is neither bed, nor is León and disappears in any corner.

30.I do not look like it and I am a fish, and my form is reflected a piece of chess.

3one.The cage is his house, his yellow clothing, with his song glad all the neighbors.

32.Loaded van, loaded come and on the road they do not stop.They tried to help the cicadas, but they ignored the very lazy.

33.I have tuxedo even if I don't go partying, and I admit that not knowing how to fly bothers me.

3. 4.On the way I drag me, and I have left my scales in the country.

35.It is not a lion and has a claw, it is not duck and has a leg.

36.Near the pole, naked, sitting on a rock, soft, black, whipping.

37.It is black as a curite and does not tire of making balls.

38.Long ears, short tail;I run very light.

39.I have no sword or have a throne, but to my buzzing subjects order and forgive.If you dare to bother my sting, I plan to attack you.

40.The roer is my work, the cheese my appetizer and the cat has always been my most feared enemy.

4one.I am red like a ruby and I carry black paints, I find myself in the garden, in the plants or in the grass.

42.I sing on the shore, I live in the water, I am not fish or cicada.

43.I live in the sea without being a fish and I am always playful;I never bathe in the rhine, because I am the same as the end.

44.My long legs, my long beak, I make my house in the bell tower.

Four. Five.It does not fly and has a wing, it is not a truck and makes "Cran".

46.He has very large mustaches, he knows how to meow;He is the terror of the mice and likes to go for a walk.

47.Mari went out for a walk, dressed in the best, and if I see her, Mari poses in a flora.

48.My name is Leo, I surnamed brown;Who does not guess it goes with delay.

49.Very leisurely and saleroso is thrown into the water to swim;While he sings very happy: Cua-Cua-Cuá.

fifty.Live in the North Pole and has a white -haired body.

5one.My initial is at peace and the second is stirred as an wing.In all countries I go white, dressed in gala.

52.It is an animal that has a chair...But you can't sit!

53.Because I have cold blood I appear in spring in perchared stones, always the sun that warms up the most.

54.Who makes his home in the green branch, and there his children always call?

55.It is the animal that takes the closest to take off your shoes.

56.It has its hunched peak and its beautiful crest is Rubí, its feathers are of a thousand colors and sings: ki-ki-ri-kí.

57.I'm little, I'm pretty, my house has been on the hill.

58.Although he doesn't laugh, he shows us his funny grass.

59.I am a small brown, I am very laborious;I am the one who manufactures, honey so tasty.

60.This little animal has 8 legs and weaves a beautiful cobweb.

6one.They say that Aunt Cuca crawls with a bad streak.Who then will that girl?

62.Everything carries in front, the fangs for the fight and the shower tube.

63.What animal of good smell, hunter inside the house, corner by Rincón reviews, and licks, if you catch, a dish?

64.He has long ears, he has the small tail, in the pens he raises and in the mountain he has caves.

65.Who is the animal that always reaches the end?

66.To be more elegant, he doesn't use a glove or jacket, he only changes in an instant for an "efe" the "ge".

67.A well -closed convent, without bells and without towers and many nuns inside, prepare flowers of flowers.

68.Animal I am, of course;They call me humpback, which I have 4 legs, already is already discounted.

69.Where no one goes up, climb, what nobody eats, trisco, very little I am in the valley, because mine are the cliffs.

70.About the cow, the "or", to not succeed, no.

7one.Green I was born, I lived green and I will die.

72.At first there is a bed, the beast comes after.Who among you know who it is?

73.With its immense tail, dressed in gray, look for your pantry anywhere.

74.My initial is in Ogro, but I'm not violent.Victoria's UVE is my second letter.I am the best friend of cold people.The countries where I live abound in wealth.

75.The 5 vowels in his name bears, not being bird at night flies.

Widownery responses for animal children:

Respuestas de las adivinanzas del one al 5: El asno, la jirafa, el murciélago, la oveja, la abeja.

Respuestas de las adivinanzas del 6 al one0: La cebra, el canguro, el elefante, la vaca, la pulga.

Respuestas de las adivinanzas del oneone al one5: El búho, el cerdo, la araña, la ardilla, la ballena.

Respuestas de las adivinanzas del one6 al twenty: La golondrina, el gallo, el león, el hipopótamo, el bacalao.

Respuestas de las adivinanzas del 2one al 25: El cangrejo, el camello, el calamar, el kiwi, el oso panda.

Ansivinanzas responses from 26 to 30: the worm, the snail, the dog, the chameleon, the seahorse.

Respuestas de las adivinanzas del 3one al 35: El canario, las hormigas, el pingüino, la serpiente, la garrapata.

Ansivinanzas responses from 36 to 40: the seal, the beetle, the rabbit, the queen bee, the mouse.

Respuestas de las adivinanzas del 4one al Four. Five: La mariquita, la rana, el delfín, la cigüeña, el alacrán.

Respuestas de las adivinanzas del 46 al fifty: El gato, la mariposa, el leopardo, el pato, el oso polar.

Respuestas de las adivinanzas del 5one al 55: La paloma, el caballo, la lagartija, el pájaro, el ciempiés.

Ansivinanzas responses from 56 to 60: the rooster, the snail, the squirrel, the bee, the spider.

Respuestas de las adivinanzas del 6one al 65: La cucaracha, el elefante, el gato, el conejo, el delfín.

Ansivinanzas responses from 66 to 70: the elephant, the hive, the camel, the goat, the cod.

Respuestas de las adivinanzas del 7one al 75: El lagarto, el camaleón, el ratón, la oveja, el murciélago.
