COVID in Spain: news summary of January 26, 2022
Headlines of the day
- The Ministry of Health has notified 133,553 cases this Wednesday and has registered 215 new deaths in the last 24 hours.
- Pharmaceutical companies Pfizer and BioNTech today announced the start of a clinical trial of a modified COVID-19 vaccine that could protect against the Omicron variant of the coronavirus.
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-The Public Health Commission confirmed this Tuesday the recommendation to postpone the third dose of the COVID vaccine for up to five months after overcoming the infection, and not four weeks, as stipulated.
- Mercedes Jiménez Sarmiento, a CSIC scientist, assured in an interview in As that sterilizing vaccines, which would prevent infections, would "radically" change the evolution of the pandemic. However, the WHO does not trust that this type of vaccine will be developed.
- A study carried out by the University of Kent together with the Goethe University of Frankfurt, has revealed that the fact that Omicron is "more sensitive to certain drugs" makes it less severe than the Delta variant.