Companies that have been in the market since 1991

According to Regent, the companies that manage to survive that time are those that avoid being opportunistic and do not venture into what seems like a good business but that does not fit into their priorities.This can lead to be views as signatures that "leave money above the table sometimes", when in reality what they are doing is trying not to get away from their customers.

To last three decades, they need to be agile to understand how they mutate and evolve the needs of customers.But, in addition, their distinctive competences must be very clear.

These companies have passed crises such as Tequila, the devaluation of Brazil, the crises of 2002 and 2008, and now the Covid-19 pandemic.To do this, I emphasize Regent, they had to have managers who did not lose the cold blood and did not forget that the company “works for tomorrow and that it cannot be done whatever when there is bad times”.For the IEEM teacher, it is not just about calm in the face of adversity: you have to have conviction to take care of the essential at all times."It is not to shrink, but also endure knowing that there is a tomorrow," he argued.

Behind the companies that last a long time there are "people who know how to have a historical look back and forth".

The expert warned that to endure it is important to take care of employees, but what should be prioritized are the needs of customers.

“You have to prioritize the reason for the company, which is to serve a third party.Do not create to use itself.It is always important to take great care of members, but it has to serve the needs for which it exists ”, he concluded.


The foreign medical assistance company began to gestate in 1990 in a garage, and the following year it was put into operation.In front were 45 women and men between 30 and 45 years.

In May 1991 they began the response capacity tests and in June the first affiliates were registered.

The name was a wink to a successful television series of the moment, which came to mean emergency, assistance and transfer service.

The company began with three departure bases that were also polyclinic: Pocitos, Belvedere and Ciudad de la Costa.

In the beginning the enthusiasm reigned but we had to recapitize with resources from the founders themselves or family or banking institutions.A solid structure allowed an ordered and harmony growth.


SUAT ambulances in 1991

In 1993 the Diagnostic Center was opened, with consultations with specialists and parachlinic exams, business medicine in 1997, and the classical clinical stadium.In 2014, this clinic was merged with the services of the Diagnostic Center and Business Medicine, which became the only center of the country that brings together both ambulatory medicine services in one place and that performs more than 4500 assists per month.Adding this last month, the polyclinic service.

Some innovations were the telephone assistance service, in which the low complexity calls were treated by car, and in a cell history sending system that was the embryo of its electronic medical history.

Currently, Suat is positioned as one of the three leading companies in the mobile medical emergency service.

Guillermo Vázquez, general manager of SUAT, said that they are still intact "the vocation of service, passion and search for quality" Beyond that today there are great experience, infrastructure and "an unimaginable technology 30 years ago".

Gladys t

Gladys turniansky had ventured into the fashion world making bikinis and shirts.In 1991 he decided to open his own clothing store with exclusive garments on Boulevard España and Tomás Diago.Soon another store arrived at Punta Carretas Shopping.The business was born with the purpose of "inspiring Uruguayan women to pursue their dreams" and managed to consolidate a community around that concept.In the central house events are organized so that the clients expose their works: "There have been women who make plastic art, who sing, who work in theater, among others," Turniansky said.The evolution of the brand was based on fashion that enhances women.At first, Turniansky designed clothes for each woman thinking that she is unique and irreplaceable.Today it still has exclusive garments but also works with a stock to adapt to new sales modalities.

Empresas que han estado en el mercado desde 1991

Gladys t

Desfile de Gladys t en la crisis de 2002

For Turniansky his brand lasted in time thanks to a combination of passion, love, attitude, purpose and responsibility.


Fue fundado en 1991 con la misión de brindar soluciones logísticas de calidad. Hoy es una compañía multinacional especializada en planificación y management de servicios logísticos.Cuenta con 45 oficinas en 10 países, donde trabajan más de 800 personas en seis divisiones de negocios.“Hoy, el 75% de la facturación y de los negocios del grupo están en el exterior”, contó Ruben Azar, fundador y actual presidente. Sus propias empresas especializadas han sido la clave del crecimiento porque, a través de ellas, ofrecen las más variadas combinaciones de servicios.También fue importante la expansión de las unidades de negocio hacia la región, México y EEUU.En RAS GROUP han aprendido que “para competir en el mercado globalizado es necesario diseñar estrategias apropiadas y tomar decisiones oportunas”. Azar explicó que hoy están incorporando recursos humanos y tecnológicos para preparar a la empresa para el futuro.“Estos son los primeros 30 años, nosotros tenemos el proyecto de seguir por muchos años más”, enfatizó.


On November 18, 1991, his first restaurant in Uruguay opened in Montevideo Shopping and changed the concept of fast food."At first we had to explain what the operation of our service was like because going to the box, paying, waiting for the food, and, after eating, lifting the tray, discarding the box and papers, it was a disruptive model," said theDirector of McDonald's Uruguay, Ricardo Méndez.Over the years he knew how to adapt to customer expectations.In 1991 he had a classic menu of five hamburgers, french fries and soda although he already had innovative services, such as Automac.Then he incorporated options like McCafé.Another significant jump was Delivery service in 2003.Today technology can be found to facilitate orders in the premises.


Opening of McDonald's in 1991

It has 31 branches in and generates more than 2.000 direct jobs and more than 80% of their inputs come from local suppliers.

Metropolis Films

En 1991, Andrés Rosenblatt inició la productora audiovisual junto a Fabio Berrutti y luego se sumaron Alberto Moratorio, Enrique Gruber y otros. Los primeros años fueron difíciles: “Teníamos que lograr que las campañas que regularmente se iban a producir a Buenos Aires o Brasil se quedaran aquí”, explicó Rosenblatt. Lo lograron con trabajo, creatividad e ingenio.En 2000 inauguraron oficinas en Puerto Rico para proveer servicios al Caribe y EEUU. En 2003 armaron un departamento de servicios de producción enfocado al mercado europeo y a países como Australia y Canadá. En 2006 abrieron en Buenos Aires. Además, incorporaron producción de televisión, películas y series.Rosenblatt asegura que lo primero que importa en una productora es su vigencia, su creatividad y su nivel de producción. Eso fue clave para mantenerse en la industria durante 30 años. Lo siguiente es su administración: el mantenerse como una empresa rentable, que funcione como debe y que cumpla con sus compromisos.Entiende que para seguir creciendo en la industria deben esforzarse, formarse y actualizarse cada día como el primer día.


Opened its doors to provide a non -existent service so far: cell phone.On November 8, 1991, the first Cellular call from Uruguay was held.The protagonists were Luis Alberto Lacalle and Gonzalo Aguirre, the then president and vice president of the Republic.

"In that call, what was transmitted was nothing other than the pride of having managed to bring to the country an avant -garde service and technology, and a greater responsibility, to know that we were making history," they said from Movistar.

Founded in 1991 as Movicom, its brand is Movistar since 2005, after being acquired by the Spanish multinational Telefónica.

The first place was located on Soca Street and until today it is still working and an emblem of our company.

From the beginning the company's premise was that the client was in the center of the action, with the aim of facilitating people's lives.They explained that "it was, and it remains, essential to be dynamic, innovative and have the necessary flexibility to adapt,".

To Movistar turn 30, it means "a great joy on all the way traveled and an impulse to continue building".


En 1987, el cierre de la ferretería Trabucati llevó a que los propietarios de Talleres Longlife, Julio Arocena y José Pais, comenzaran a realizar importaciones en ese rubro.En 1991 decidieron formalizar la iniciativa y, junto con Enrique Larraechea García, fundaron Orofino. También ingresaron Javier Arocena y Enrique Larraechea, hijos de los fundadores, que hoy están a cargo de la dirección.En los primeros años las oficinas estuvieron en el local de Talleres Longlife y en un pequeño depósito a tres cuadras. En 1996 la empresa se mudó a su ubicación actual en Batoví 2082.


Orofino plant

Orofino cuenta con 120 empleados enfocados en brindar asesoramiento rápido y eficiente, lo que, aseguran, ha sido la base de su crecimiento.

East pools

In its 30 years of experience, Eastern Pool has been built or equipped with more than 2.500 swimming pools of all sizes and scales.In 1991, Víctor del Orrio, along with a Spanish builder and a Uruguayan architect, began building concrete pools reinforced with the Gunite system.

In the beginning, the company worked in a particular way by building only in the homes of its customers but, over the years, its work evolved.

Today they make “the most complex pools in the country” according to Javier del Orrio, current director of the company.

East pools

Piscina de East pools en construcción

En el transcurso de los 30 años, dos de los fundadores vendieron su parte y East pools pasó a ser propiedad única de la familia Del Orrio López.For them, the company is part of their family and continues in the market after 30 years means "a pride".


It was an innovation at local and world level.Secom, the first company service in Sanatorio and address was born from the intuition of teacher Alicia this and a hospital hospitalization experience.This is suffering intense pain and the bell did not work to call nursing.It was helped by some people who were in the hall and this occurred to him the idea.

At that time, it was the owner of the nursery El Garden de Alicia.He hit doors for financial support and began activities at home in August 1991.Today the company has more than 120 thousand affiliates, almost 2.000 employees and its central house is a three -story building in the corner of Colonia and Andes.

"Secom formed with the effort of its collaborators.Thirty years of struggle, sacrifice and a lot.

To start in a corner of his house in the center, he went through several premises until buying the building located at the corner of Colonia and Andes, where the central headquarters currently work."At first I did everything, I even swept," he says.


En 1991, empresarios uruguayos decidieron traer a Uruguay una propuesta de la oenegé internacional Junior Achievement para complementar la educación formal de los jóvenes y brindarles más herramientas para su futuro laboral.La organización comenzó con el programa Empresas Juveniles, el más conocido hasta el momento. Este programa invita a jóvenes liceales a formar una empresa con sus compañeros pasando por todos los momentos del desarrollo: elegir un nombre, un logo, un lema, diseñar el producto, producirlo, ponerle un precio y venderlo. Propone un fuerte vínculo entre el mundo educativo y el del emprendimiento.En la primera edición de Empresas Juveniles participaron cuatro grupos de colegios en Montevideo. Actualmente, este programa emblemático cuenta con 50 grupos en todo el país.


Uno de los primeros grupos de DESC

El director ejecutivo de DESC, Pablo Marroche, contó que la organización aumentó sus propuestas para niños y jóvenes y ofrecen 25 programas. Por año, participan unos 8.000 niños y jóvenes. Marroche destacó el crecimiento de la organización en todo el país y que su trabajo sea cada vez más relevante.

*This article is part of the 30 -year special edition of The Observer.
