New York restaurants are running out of customers, while Miami business is growing

New Yorkers are very reluctant to eat out.

According to new data published by OpenTable and bitten by famed statistician Nate Silver of

Clubs in Brooklyn are also running out of customers, with bookings down 55%. Data for the other boroughs was not available.

"It's a ghost town down there," the manager of a Little Italy restaurant told the Post, citing the failure of city officials to contain crime and chaos, which scares away tourists and local diners.

“New York City cannot recover if bars and restaurants are not at the center of the recovery,” said Andrew Rigie, executive director of the NYC Hospitality Alliance.

Il cite plusieurs vents contraires majeurs pour les restaurants de Gotham: a manque de touristes, des immeubles de bureauaux vines et des restaurants capricieux dans une ville « durement touchée par la pandémie » où « les gens ont encore des niveaux de confort différents » pour manger in public.

New York restaurants are staying No Customers, While Miami Business Is Growing

The restaurant vaccination mandate, found only in New York and a small handful of other major cities, is also hurting those businesses, he said.

“A lot of people are planning events in New Jersey instead of New York. If you live in the Bronx, you can go to Westchester, or if you live in Queens, you can dine in Nassau County.

Not every city is in trouble. Dinner reservations were up slightly (1%) in Las Vegas, which is recovering quickly, while warrant-free Miami is booming, up 14% %.

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