Pork reaches record price in Cuba and could reach 300 pesos La Libra by the end of the year

The Cuban Observatory of Human Rights (OCDH) and the Independent Trade Union Association of Cub.

This is "worthy work", aimed at expanding the informative horizon of Cuban workers and making any allegation of discrimination or abuse more viable, in the workplace.

“It seeks, first, that the worker knows what his rights and duties are, according to Cuban legislation, that is, the Labor Code.But how we know that these regulations do not conform to the international standards of labor rights, signed by the Cuban regime in the conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO), through this tool the worker, in addition, he can send us his complaints ”, explained to Radio Televisión Martí the director of strategies of the OCDH, Yaxis CIRES.

Declaraciones del director de Estrategias del Observatorio Cubano de Derechos Humanos, Yaxis Cires
by Radio y Televisión Martí | RadioTelevisionMarti.com
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La carne de cerdo alcanza precio récord en Cuba y pudiera llegar a 300 pesos la libra para fin de año

"This is something important, and more in Cuba, where the State is the main employer and applies its decisions arbitrarily, sometimes violating even internal regulations and sometimes, almost always, violating international regulations".

For example, if a person is fired for their political opinions, you can communicate with the Observatory or the ASIC through ‘worthy work’ ”.

"Received complaints from citizens, and after confirming the extremes raised in them, we will communicate it to public opinion, if they agree, or we will proceed to send the cases to international instances," said Cir.

"Worthy work" is a Telegram chatbot, therefore, the only requirement to access is to have the Telegram app on the devices installed.

Those interested should write @DignoTrabajo in their Telegram search engine and when the “worthy work” bot appears, as a result of the search, select it and click on ‘join’ to have it available, explained the observatory.The entity adds that, for other details, visit the Observacuba page.org.
