Roscón de reyes: the best in the supermarket according to the OCU

by isaac

Nougat, shortbread, puff pastry, almond or cinnamon shortbread, wine donuts, marzipan...there are many Christmas sweets, and each more delicious. However, one that is typical of Spain, that has become an icon of these dates, and that is among the royalty of sweets for these dates is the roscón de reyes.

With gluten, gluten-free, with filling without filling, with cream, with chocolate, etc. There are many recipes, and many roscones in supermarkets to choose from. But which is the best of all? Are you really buying quality? The OCU helps you dispel all these doubts by analyzing the best in the supermarket.

The origin of the roscón de reyes

Although the roscón de reyes has become popular today with the different businesses that have launched to create their own versions, or the famous chefs who give their recipes and tricks, the truth is that this sweet has been made for millennia.

Roscón de reyes: los mejores del supermercado según la OCU

This roscón de reyes has its origin in the 2nd century BC, when the celebration of Las Saturnales was celebrated, in honor of the god Saturn. That is, its origin is not Christian, but pagan. A sweet for the god of crops that was consumed by all people, even slaves.

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