What happens if you don't cut your hair tips?- Find out!

Everything will depend on the type of cut that you have and also on the state in which your hair is, but, as a general rule, you should not wait to see the tips of your hair open to go to the hairdresser.The ideal, in general, is that within your self -care routine you include a visit to the hairdressing, at most, every 3 months to clean up long hair and cut everything that is damaged and can harm the whole mane.

However, in half -mane or short cuts it should be more frequently since, generally, hair usually grows a centimeter per month, so people with shorter hairstyles will notice the growth much before and, if you have open tips, these would cover more hair than a long hair, affecting the cut to a much more noticeable extension.Here you can read more about this doubt: how much hair grows a month.

¿Qué pasa si no te cortas las puntas del pelo? - ¡Descúbrelo!

As a orientative fact, a person with long hair must go to clean up their tips every 3 months, depending on the state that has the use of plates and other accessories, people with half mane every 2 months to retouch the cut and people with people withShort hair every 6 weeks maximum so that the tips do not harm the root.

Here you can read more about how and when to cut the hair tips
