WhatsApp experiences the function of contacting nearby businesses, how?

It is evident that WhatsApp has decided to begin to be profitable and have a source of income for the future, hence its special zeal during this year 2021 for converting all Business accounts into visible for users, with which you can contact,chat, ask and buy products without leaving the conversations of the messaging app.

Precisely, due to a communication problem about WhatsApp Business, Facebook caused a huge problem with their users by publishing those conditions of use that referred to companies that could access our messages.So now, the Americans go one step further when it comes to facilitating us to contact business and nearby companies.

Search for closeness criteria

That is what Will Cathcart, Head of WhatsApp on Facebook, has announced when he has published on his social networks that have begun to test "a directory of local companies" within the application, which "will help find and communicate with businesspremises such as coffee shops, florists, clothing stores "from the neighborhood, etc..A really fast direct access that we can use at any time a click away.

WhatsApp experimenta con la función de contactar con negocios cercanos, ¿cómo?

This new function uses our GPS information to know where we are and, from there, show us a list of businesses that could interest us and that we have a few meters a few meters.In this way, it is possible to start a conversation with them through the chat, ask for information, buy something that interests us and, finally, going to pick it up a few minutes later.

Remember that SMEs, small businesses and companies can register at WhatsApp Business to serve their customers or send them all kinds of news and promotions.Moreover, for just a few months, it is also possible to have a catalog of products that users can see and decide to buy.All without leaving the application chats.

Now, do you know how to differentiate a business chat from another that is not?In recent times, from WhatsApp they have been careful for trying to identify them through messages that appear to us the first time we interact with them.However, when we go to the main timeline they are visualized in the same way as those of your parents or friends, so it would not be bad that from WhatsApp they seek a quick way to identify what are chats focused on the business of which they do not.
